I Hate Talking About Myself

Cameron Britton

Episode Summary

Cameron Britton might be known for playing serial killer Ed Kemper in the hit show Mindhunter, but he’s got a few more impressions up his sleeve that will blow you away. Hear them all in this week’s episode.

Episode Notes

Cameron Britton might be known for playing serial killer Ed Kemper in the hit show Mindhunter, but he’s got a few more impressions up his sleeve that will blow you away. Hear them all in this week’s episode.

Episode Transcription



Catherine: Welcome back to I Hate Talking About Myself.  On this Podcast, your favorite stars from Netflix series and films face their toughest interviewer yet, themselves.  We write the questions, and then our guests select them in the most scientific way possible by pulling them out of a bowl.


This week we’ve got Cameron Britton.  He plays Hazel, the time traveling assassin in the Umbrella Academy.  And now he’s back in another Netflix series, Mindhunter, where he dives into the role of Ed Kemper, the serial killer turned FBI best bud.  He also has a crazy party trick that you need to hear.  I promise, you won’t be disappointed.




Cameron: Hello, I’m Cameron Britton, and I am on I Hate Talking About Myself.  What superpower would you like to have, and why?  Just one?  It has to be flying, I mean, it has to be flying.  Of course, then there’s all the complications of what do you wear when you’re up there, and how do you breathe when you get too high?  But, come one, I have a superpower, I’m not going to worry about it.


What about the future excites you?  Everything, it’s the future.  Who knows what it will hold.


What’s the most random fact or weirdest piece of history you know?  Henry VIII had six wives, and they went divorce, killed her, she died, divorce, killed her, she died.  And apparently, he loved the last one.  Pretty coincidental, if you ask me.


What’s the last picture you took on your phone?  Probably of my son and my Pit Bull laying together.  Pit Bulls are pretty cool guys, if you raise them right.  Two years from now, there will be a Podcast about how much I hate them, and how delicious they find babies to be.  But so far, I’m sticking with my beliefs.


If you got trapped with no reception and had only five songs on your phone, what would you hope they were?  Young at Heart, Across the Universe, Big Rock Candy Mountain, Cashmere by Led Zeppelin and Mommas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow up to be Cowboys.  Willie Nelson once said, there’s no kinds of music, there’s just good music and bad music.  So if that sounded eclectic, that’s why.


Who was the first famous person you met?  Paul McCartney.


Were you awkward?  Yes.  I was incredibly awkward.  All of my friends have been in LA for a couple of years.  We’d all been here, but you met somebody and then there he was going to see Wallace and Gromit with his ex wife, the one with the wooden leg.  And I got to shake his hand.  He said, oh, I’m sorry, I don’t sign on private nights out.  So he didn’t sign my poster, but he touched my hand, he touched my hand, he touched my hand.


How do you define art?  Such an amazing question.  I mean, I guess art is an interesting version of truth.  Hitchcock said, movies is just real life with all the boring parts cut out.  So your first attempt is to make the moment interesting, and then you ask yourself if it’s truthful.  And if it isn’t, you don’t do that thing.


If you can instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?  Oh, man, theoretical physics, probably.  You know, just for parties and stuff.


What piece of pop culture shaped you the most?  That can be answered in many ways.  I wanted to be an actor because of Chris Farley in Tommy Boy.  And I thought I was going to be really funny when I moved to Hollywood, and be on SNL.  And then, I found out SNL is in New York, and that I’m more of the serial killer type.  You see Bill, I knew a week before she died I was going to kill her.


What’s your party trick?  I can sound, I don’t know, like a bear, walrus monster.  It takes a few to warm it up, so we’ll start with a few grunts, and we’ll get the roar going.  [Making sounds].  Thank you.


What’s the first food you hated, and why?  Corn.  Don’t start with me, it’s corn.  Do not go there.  I just don’t like it.  I don’t like sweet vegetables.  I don’t like sweet potatoes, I don’t like beets.  Fuck them.


What’s the one show you watch over and over?  Well, that’s The Office, the American version, or Always Sunny, the American version.


What do you wear to bed?  I don’t.


Who is your celeb crush?  My wife and I went to go see that La La Land thing, which some people didn’t like.  I don’t know what they were missing, because I went to see an Emma Stone movie, and she went to see a Ryan Gosling movie.  Gosling, by the way, means baby goose.  So in our house, he’s known as Ryan Baby Goose.  Still smoking though.


If someone played you in a movie, who would you want it to be?  Who would I want me?  Denzel Washington.  He can do anything.


What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?  I jumped a rock to another rock entirely by myself.  I was away from my hiking crew.  We were in Yosemite.  And boy, that was a terrible idea.  I’ll never forget that jump.  Like, what am I doing, what am I doing, what am I doing?  What am I doing?  And I landed on the other side safely.


If you can give your younger self advice, what would it be?  Don’t jump off rocks in Yosemite by yourself.


What is your biggest fear?  I have galeophobia, I am terrified of sharks.  I can’t even look at pictures of them at this point.  I know a lot about them.  80% of shark attacks in five feet of water, 50 feet from shore.  They have something called tectonic immobility.  If you turn them upside down, they basically are completely placid.  You can do surgery on them just by flipping them over.  The bunch of nerves inside of their nose actually count as a sixth sense.  They can see a fish’s heartbeat in the dark.


Let’s see.  Please do your favorite impression, even if it’s terrible.  You make me feel very young.  You make me feel as though spring has sprung, words to be sung and a wonderful fling to be flung.  I can’t really hit that note.  And every time I bounce the moon, I’m such a happy individual.  I can also, there he is.  I can also do Peter.  Hi, Lois.




Cameron: Thank you for watching, or listening.  Thank you for listening.  If you’re watching, then you’re on LSD.  And please enjoy Netflix.


Catherine: That was Cameron Britton, with some great Family Guy impressions.  That’s all folks for this week’s episode.  We’ve got more interviews coming your way.  So make sure to subscribe right now to catch them all.  I Hate Talking About Myself is produced by Pineapple Street Media and Netflix.  Our music is by Hansdale Hsu.  And it’s hosted by me, Catherine Cohan.  Until next week you gorgeous listeners.

